Friday, December 16, 2011

Druchii Winter March

I've been really backed up by commissions lately so haven't had time to work on the high elves. :( I've fully assembled all the archer now but that's not really worth showing.

However something worth showing! I went to the battle bunker for a tournament last weekend. At the bunker they had an old games day board set up. The wood elves winter board. I was playing my Druchii and decided it would make for some cool pictures. So while I don't have anything High Elfy to share here is my complete Druchii army.


















Hope you enjoyed. I hope I'll get time to work on the High Elves soon.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Small High Elf Update

I've made a little bit of progress. I've assembled around 30 archers and built my Prince. My prince is a high elf hero with bow and I glued on the helmet wings from the noble kit and added an extra bolt from the bolt thrower to represent the 'bow of the seafarer'. I also added a sheathed great weapon on his back. I asked a week or so ago for some advice on stringing bows as I've seen it done but haven't ever attempted it. So I just used a bone colored thread and it pretty much adds a whole new level of detail to the model. I want to go back and string up my LotR and my dark elves bows next!

Well any who to the pictures. Enjoy.





Friday, November 25, 2011

Starry Night (not just miniature painting!)

This is a guitar I built a couple years ago. It isn't exactly a miniature but I thought I'd share.




Keep Painting and Cheers!

Starting the High Elves

I've started a High Elf army and I'm going for a tropical island theme. I don't know really what attracted me to this style of army. I guess I just wanted something unusual instead of the basic dirt and grass, dirt and snow, or lava standards you see every where. I picked a very neutral color scheme with a pale aqua as the trim color and dark woods. well anywho here is the first complete models.








Well hope you enjoy and I hope to get more done on this project soon.

High Elves vs Gravestar Vampire Counts 11/24

[b]Fighting Twilight[/b]

I've updated my list a little. I've decided to drop the bow of the seafarer as it never really did anything other than kill a couple of guys here and there. I've added in the gem of hoeth. My prince is a lvl 1 shadow and usually takes miasma. I believe this works wonders in the list and synergizes well with the heavy amount of shooting. The obvious slowing down to shoot but more importantly smoke and mirrors to trade my prince out to save my bsb or lvl 4 out of a hairy situation.

My latest list;

Prince, Shadow, Jewel of Dusk, Armor of Caledor, GW, Longbow
BSB, Reaver bow, Dragon Armor, GW
LVL 4, High, Annulian Crystal, Dragonbane Gem, Ring of Fury
LVL 2, Metal, Seerstaff
30x Archers, FC, Flamebanner
10x Archers, Muso
13x Archers, Muso
29x White Lions, FC, Skiensliver, Banner of Sorcery
3x Bolt Throwers
2x Eagles

The Gravestar list;

Vamp Lord, Red Fury, +3 attacks, Hatred, Dragon bane gem, LVL 3
Vamp, LVL 2, Ghoul march
Vamp, LVL 1, Nightmare, 3+, 4++
W King, BSB, Regen Banner
40x Ghouls
40x Ghouls
40x Grave Guard, FC, Hatred banner, GW
Black Coach

He didn't want to roll up a mission so we just played a pitched battle.
I chose final transmutation and Enchanted blades. (to deal with an ethereal BC) Miasma on the Prince. I rolled up Arrow attraction, Fury of Khaine, Flames of the Phoenix and Vauls unmakeing. I don't remember what spells he had.

Deployment goes something like this.


Left to right he has lvl 1 vamp on flyer, ghouls, graveguard all characters, ghouls and a black coach.
I have archers, archers with the lvl 2, Eagle, Bolt Thrower, 30 archers with lvl 4 and bsb and prince, Bolt thrower, Bolt thrower, White Lions and an Eagle. He free marched his ghouls up and rolled up the first turn.

VC 1
He marches up. He tries to Vanhels the GG and I stop it.


HE 1
Eagles fly up to stall the ghoul units. I move some units a bit here and there to open up fire lanes and flank charges. Magic targets the ghouls. I get off flames of the pheonix and one fury of khaine. Curse and the other fury of khaine and vauls on the Deathstar are all stopped. Only 16 ghouls remain after magic and shooting.


VC 2
He charges the two eagles with his ghouls. His lvl 1 fails a stupidity test and sits outside the building. The GG march up and the Coach moves up as well. Magic sees him fully power up his BC and vanhels the GG unit. He kills the right hand eagle with poison alone and reforms. He does no wounds to the left eagle and I do one or two and tie combat.


HE 2
Move the White lions up to fight the upcoming grave guard unit. The far left unit of archers steps into the building. A couple units scoot here and there to anticipate the next turn. Magic sees flames go off again on the ghoul unit leaving only like 7. Curse of arrow attraction and ring of fury go off on the Grave Guard unit. I get a 6 dice final transmutation off on the GG unit as well and drag 18ish of them to become golden statues as well as sniping the lvl 2 out of the unit. Shooting sees everything that has LoS to them fire away leaving only the bsb, lord and 7 ranks n files left. In combat he kills the eagle and reforms.


VC 3
The left ghouls charge my bolt thrower. The grave guard went ahead and charged into the lions. The right ghouls tried to charge the flank of the white lions but rolled snake eyes. The coach moved up again. His far left vamp failed his stupidity again! His magic saw his only caster the lvl 3 lord try and res some GG. I let the one D6 one go through and stopped the rest. He got 2 or 3 GG back. His ghouls blew through my bolt thrower and attempted to over run into my archer horde but failed. His vamp lord was a brutal beat stick from hell. (BBSFH) He got around 12 kills on the white lions. I did one wound to the lord and killed most of the unit. I think left him with 3ish GG.


HE 3
I charged the prince out of the archer horde to hit the flank and hopefully kill that bsb. Magic sees flames of the phoenix on str 5 kill all but one ghoul on the left. I told him I would shoot everything at the ghoul and he removed it. My prince and 6 white lions kill the bsb and do another wound to the BBSFH. I also leave only the the unit champ of the GG unit alive. The BBSFH does an insane amount of wounds to the white lions once again. I manage to win by 1 though. Forcing him to pop the general or the GG unit champ. He concedes.


This was a quick game. I think I played pretty well in this game and I think he made a mistake by throwing the coach that far on the flank. With so few drops I easily just threw everything on the other side. While this probably wasn't the most exciting battle report to read, It was a battle I needed to play. We don't really have a local VC player and when I found one and then found out he ran a "dirty" list I was excited because I was curious if my list could handle such a nasty list. Now I just have to find a nasty skaven player to play. We have one or two locals but their pretty low on skill level.


High Elves vs Bretonnians 11/20

I decided to put Curu's list to the test for some fun. I mainly just wanted to mix it up and run the star dragon list for some kicks. I scheduled a game against a friend of mine and had no clue what he was going to run as he has almost every army. He ended up showing up with bretts because I always run magic/shooting DE's or HE's and he wanted to outmaneuver me. ;) Better luck next time Ben.

If your not familiar with the Star Dragon list;

Prince on Star Dragon, Vambraces of Defense, Great Weapon, Armour of Caledor, Talisman of Loec - 622
Noble BSB on Great Eagle, Heavy Armour, Shield, Great Weapon, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, Potion of Foolhardiness - 214
Noble on Great Eagle, Dragon Armour, Shield, Helm of Fortune, The Other Trickster's Shard, Great Weapon - 191
High Mage lvl 2, Annulian Crystal, Dragonbane Gem - 180
32 Spears, full command and flamebanner - 323
31 Spears, full command - 304
23 White Lions, full command and +1M banner, skeinsliver - 415
5 Dragon Princes - 150
2 Great Eagles - 100

Brett list;
Lord, reroll to wound, heroic killing blow, horse 2+, 4++
Lvl 4 Heavens, horse
lvl 2 Beasts, horse
BSB horse ???
15 Knights Errant, No stand n shoot Banner
13 Knights of Realm, +1 Leadership Banner
13 Knights of Realm, Flaming Banner
4 Pegasus Knights
50x Men at Arms, FC
20x Archers, FC, Flaming

We rolled up Blood and Glory. We don't play the auto win though. We just play the person that breaks the opponent first gets an additional 500 vp.



Left to right he had Men at Arms, Trebuchet, Archers, Knights of the Realm w flaming lvl 4 and bsb, Knights of the Realm with general and lvl 2, Knights errant and Pegasus Knights. I had an Eagle, Star Dragon Prince, Spears with a lvl 2 in a building, Bsb on an Eagle, Spears, Noble on Eagle, White Lions, Dragon Princes, and an Eagle. He vanguarded up his Peg Knights and prayed.

HE 1
I basically fly all my fliers up to threaten his units and start laying on the pressure while trying to stay out of the the front arcs of his knight buses. I tried to position to where I'd have 3 possible charges on that trebuchet. If he got a couple hits on my rank and files I couldn't hold the charge from the knight buses. I cast vauls and it gets scrolled and that's it for magic. I flamed the men at arms and did around 11 wounds. (speaking of... quick rules question. Can you use breath weapon after you march. I know you can't shoot on the march. but I thought monsters acted as single characters so they could. We didn't know so just went with it.)


B 1
He repositions all his units to better counter my superior speed and movement. Magic sees a comet go off in between my white lions and and spearmen. No other spells get through. He declares to shoot at my noble eagle. I ask him if he really wants to shoot something that would get a 2+, 2+, 2++ save and he then elects to shoot at the naked eagle and destroys her. His only trebuchet shot the whole match goes 10" wide and hits nothing.


HE 2
I charge his trebuchet with my noble. I reposition everything to set up traps for his buses. I'll go into more detail on this in his turn. Magic sees nothing eventful. I kill his trebuchet and reform to face his archers and the back of the nearest bus.


B 2
His lord unit charges my spear block and I hold. His Knights errant charge the same unit and I flee. His lord unit only had line of sight to the spears and is forced to failed charge them. The knight errant can either fail charge and get flanked by the white lions next turn or redirect into them. He chooses to redirect. (I actually had to wheel to him as the bus unit was crazy long and hit his other unit on the wheel.) Basically I didn't even care what unit charged what as long as he wasn't able to double bus a unit. I can handle any one on one combat he can throw at me. If he were able to double bus any of my units, they would immediately be destroyed. He charges the peg knights into the dragon. I don't think he thought he could kill them. He was just trying to prevent me from getting a charge next turn. I hold, fairly certain my star dragon prince could take his knights. He moves everything to get into better positions. He reforms the archers to shoot at my noble eagle. He only gets 3 Power dice and casts wildform and I manage to dispel on 2 dice. His meteor comes down killing some white lions and killing like 10 spears. Archers can't hurt the noble with shooting. His 15 knights errant loose 5 guys to the white lions before they hit. I loose some in return. I honestly forget who wins combat but we both stick. I kill two peg knights with my prince and dragon and he gets no wounds on me but he stays.


HE 3
Man looking at the board I'm really comfortable for the upcoming turn! I charge his archers with a eagle noble and he holds. My eagle and dragon princes charge his errant bus in the flank to EASILY DESTROY THEM!!!!! I only need like a 4 on the dragon princes and a 3 on the eagle. Eagle makes it on a 1,1,2 and the dragon princes fail with a 1,1,2... WTF lol :p well there goes that plan. My next SUPER AWESOME GAME WINNING MOVE. I charge the bsb eagle noble into the middle bus so when my dragon knights blow through his few remaining errants I can get a flank overrun and fight with them twice... remember those dragon princes that failed their charge... :) As long as he can hold up the unit a turn I can throw a dragon in their rear next turn so no worries. I mean its the flaming unit so I'll get a 2+, 2+, 2++ save. I make it no problem. Magic sees me get a vauls off which he uses all his DD to dispel. I throw 3 at Flames of the phoenix on the men at arms and IF it. I kill my lvl 2 mage and only manage to kill like 5 out of 39 mean at arms. HAHA This turn of easy game winning is going south quickly. Combat I kill some archers with the noble but he holds. My dragon Kills the peg knights and reforms to look at the battle. My eagle provides little support by himself and the white lions and knights errant duke it out but everyone holds. Four errants left I believe. My bsb charges in and does 3 wounds to the Bret lord. He passes all of his saves and in return sees a heroic killing blow on my eagle... Oops. Remember how it was the flaming unit.... well I got mixed up and the bsb unit was flamming. HAHA SPLAT! Well that didn't go as expected.


B 3
He charges his buses into my white lions. One hitting in the flank and one barely clipping the front. This is gonna get bad. His men at arms advance to join the battle. Magic sees him getting off a heavens spell that hexs my white lions. -1 to hit I think??? He miscasts and the phase ends nothing else of note happens. I have 11 white lions left... This gets crazy. I kill a couple of guys not really doing much. Hes counting out his gazillion dice for the knights and I realize that if he kills one guy on a higher initiative that he looses a butt load of attacks from the flanking bsb unit. His lord makes way and kills a guy! Horay! The bsb whiffs his attacks. So now the flank bus only gets one side of attacks and two guys in the middle, of which one is a wizard, and the front unit only gets the one file of attacks and the front guy was his lord. So he only gets like 33% of his attacks he was counting out and manages to kill all but two guys!!! Stubborn white lions hold and next turn he's about to pay. My eagle however flees into the way of the dragon princes... really these guys can't get a charge off for anything! My Eagle noble breaks the archers and runs them down.


HE 4
The star dragon charges the back of the lord bus unit. The noble eagle charges the flank of the bsb unit. The spears charge the other flank of the bsb unit. My other spears get out of the building anticipating the men at arms. My eagle rallies and my dragon princes shuffle over. No magic because my mage is hanging out in the realm of chaos having a pint with tzeentch. To sum up hand to hand; I blew through him and had enough static res to destroy him. His lord unit held on stead fast. A.) because of some amazing ward saves and B.) because of that meteor that thinned my spear ranks out earlier in the game. The knights of the realm with the lvl4 and bsb are run down by the noble and spears. The lord unit holds on a 10 and the errants stay. (I don't remember if he rolled snake eyes or we forgot to test them. shrug.) Funnily enough I have one white lion left and its my unit champ. So his lord still can't challenge my prince or make way to go fight him. White Lions = ♥!


B 4
His men at arms charge the flank of my spears because they overran right in the way. I fled and not willing to try and roll an 11 or 12 and getting flanked himself he redirects into the full spears ouside the building. No magic of note. He finally manages to kill off my last white lion freeing up the knights errant which reform. Dragon Prince kills some guys but he holds. The men at arms end up winning by just the charge but the spears hold.


HE 5
My eagle charges the flank of his lords unit. The Dragon princes charge his 3 remaining errant knights. He holds to redirect them away from the lord combat. The dragon prices kill a knight errant and force them to run also killing the banner. They attempt to pursue but bump into the back of the eagle... yet again! Haha. My spears broke his Men at Arms but failed to catch them. His lord challenges and my Prince has to accept. I put one wound on the Brett lord and he Heroic killing blows the star dragon. Seriously?! Is there anything this build can't kill?!? My Prince finds that battle without his dragon is too scary and runs for the hills. Luckily the eagle holds and saves his life by distracting the knights from pursuing.


B 5
He fails to rally his errant knight. He rallies his men at arms and faces my spears again. Magic sees him get wildform off and +3 Toughness to his lord. His lord kills my eagle in combat with killing blow. The lord unit reforms.


HE 6
I charge the spears into the men at arms and the noble into the rear. I charge the other spears into the flank of the the lords unit and the dragon knights into the front. My Prince is still pissing himself and fails to rally. Lets face it his 7,000 year old pet just got decapitated with one blow by an angry human. You'd be running too. Don't judge! I crush the men at arms and run them down in combat. I fail to do any wounds to the knights but a lucky spearmen gets a wound through on his lord. I win combat through static res but he holds.


B 6
His knight errant fails to rally but doesn't go off the board. So no points there. I stop wild form but he still gets the +3 toughness on the lord. I throw one dragon prince at his lord because I had to. I hit twice, roll box cars to wound and he fails his 2+, 4++ save on both!!! WTF?! He calls it right there as I kill the lord.


All and all it was a fun list to play. I don't think I could ever take it to a competitive event though. No matter how you slice it, you have a little over 700 points tied up in the Star Dragon Prince model. He is super fun to play and kills like a mad man. But one crappy I,S,T test or lucky cannons or killing blow and your down an uber amount of points.

We started kind of pretending the battle was real at one point and basically narrated what happened to my Prince and his Lord and we both had a great laugh at the silliness of the situation. Basically my Dragon Prince balls into the back of the knight unit throwing guys left and right and his lord is too busy fighting the white lions to notice. Finally after the lord kills the last white lions he turns around to see the dragon and rolls his eyes and casually strolls to the back of the unit and lops off the dragons head with one swing and my elf starts crying and runs away never to rally. :p Lots of fun.

I'll probably go back to my magic/shooting list next with some improvements to the list. I just wanted to mix it up and the list seemed interesting. Hope you enjoyed.

High Elves vs Orcs and Goblins 11/15

[b]High Elves vs Orcs and Goblins[/b]

I didn't really want to play a pitched battle as I've played it about 10 times in a row. However I don't really like the auto win scenarios so we rolled up watch tower and used some in house rules. Everything is the same was Watchtower except claiming it isn't an auto win its only an additional 500 VP and you can't start a unit in the tower. (not even scouts)

Same list as before for the High Elves
I roll up , 5++ spell, Fury of khaine, flames, vauls for my lvl 4 and pick enchanted blades and final transmutation on my lvl 2.

Orcs and Goblin list;
Hero general (black orc?) 5+, 4++
Lvl 4 Savage Orc Shaman, 5++ save to savage unit item
BSB night goblin 5+,5++
Night goblin shaman lvl 2
Night goblin shaman lvl 2, scroll
50-60 night goblin spears, 3 fanatics
49 savage orcs
25-30 black orcs
30 night goblin archers
2 manglar squigs

(he normally runs a doom diver and a catapult but he wanted to play his giant this game)
I don't even know what all his spells were called I'm not 100% use to the new O&G yet. The spells I can remember were 3d6 str 3, foot, vortex thing, itchy nuisance, poison spell, teleport a unit.



His left to right is; night gobo spears with lvl 2 and bsb, savage orcs with his lvl 4, black orcs with his hero general, night gobo archers with a lvl 2, manglar, manglar, giant. My deployment left to right is. Eagle, 10 archers, bolt thrower, bolt thrower, 30 archers with lvl 2 and bsb, 30 white lions with prince, 14 archers with lvl 4, bolt thrower, eagle.

I finished dropping first and have the skiensliver. I rolled a 6 equaling 8 and he didn't bother rolling. :)

HE turn 1
I advance the eagles up the flanks. The eagle on the right drawing out his 2 fanatics killing my eagle. One of the fanatics hit the trees though and popped. The white lions advance to the building waiting to jump in next turn. All other archer units advance a bit mostly to get all my 24" range spells in range. Magic sees a flames of the phoenix go off on his savage orcs. I hate manglare squigs! So two furies of khaine and a bolt thrower later kills both of them. He passes all panic tests. I do a wound to the giant with the 14 archers.


OG turn 1
His night goblin spears fail animosity and exchange blows with the savage orcs stopping both in their tracks. The archers advance and the giant does as well. He gets poison on his archers and a nasty large template vortex targeting my toughness. He kills 5 or 6 archers and 5 white lions.


HE turn 2
My eagle flies past his spears stopping 8" away to draw out his 3 fanatics on the left flank they all roll 7 or less so the eagle takes no wounds!. Lions jump in the building. The lvl 4 jumps in the back of the lions first though, so she goes with them. In the magic phase he forgot about flames and it goes off again on the savage orcs doing about 10 wounds! Yeah! I didn't get a lot of power dice though so I did some wounds to the giant and didn't have enough to stop his silly vortex and it flew through my archers. Shooting sees some fanatics dye and the giant only having 1 wound left. I know fanatics don't give up VP's but I hate them running through my lines going all crazy.


OG turn 2
His Archer unit fails animosity this time but roll a 6. They move forward 4" and declare a charge on my 14 man archer unit. The giant also charges needing a 5 on 2d6 and fails on snake eyes. Everything else marches up. I'm sure he gets a spell or two off but nothing game changing and also dispels flames of the phoenix this time. He beats my archers by 2 and we fail a ld 8 test and book it. We were about 2" out of bsb range. The archer get run down.


HE turn 3
I reposition the eagle and small archer unit to prepare for a charge the next turn. Everything else stays put. I Final transmutation the savage orcs and kill quit a bit and don't snipe the lvl 4. Shooting sees me kill the giant and whittle down some more savage orcs. I also kill a couple of gobo archers and the last fanatic. Got all the nasty little gremlins out of the way now I just have to worry about getting blocks characters and holding the building.


OG turn 3
He swift reforms the savage orcs and tries to hide them behind the building and get the black orcs in the thick of things. He's only down to about 16 savage orcs and the lvl 4 now. The night goblin spears advance. The night goblin archers reform to stare down my bolt thrower. No significant magic. He does a wound to my bolt thrower with shooting.


HE turn 4
I rear and flank charge the large unit of spears to maybe tie them up a turn or two to keep them off of my large archer unit. Magic blows up the savage orcs again. I think there is 4 left with the lvl 4 in there. Shooting kills some gobo archers and maybe a savage orc or two. Combat I win and he stays. both of us killing 2 or 3. Those damn netters made me str 2. Annoying little buggers.


OG turn 4
He charges the bolt thrower with his archers. He charges the white lion building with his black orcs. The savage orcs start running away to conserve points. Magic has nothing note worthy. No shooting. I think this time his spears win by one but my eagle and archers are 9 re-roll and stick. We both kill a ton in the building fight I forget who wins but regardless I stay in the building. He only does a wound to the bolt thrower and I stay on like a 3 or 4! ;)


HE turn 5
My bsb charges out of the large archer unit to wizard and bsb snipe... I roll a 3 needing a 4... sigh (this bsb was epic fail the last 2 turns) Prince jumps out of the building to help with res on the spearmen unit. I magic the black orcs killing some. Combat sees him finally killing my bolt thrower and reforming. He does a wound to the eagle and kills some more archers. I think now their both re-roll 7 and they both make it. The prince and BSB really helped these guys out.


OG turn 5
His gobo archers fail animosity and surge forward charging the building needing like an 11. They fail their charge. The black orcs charge the building again. His lvl 4 jumps out of the savage orcs and they march further away. Magic sees some massive damage go to my archer unit and him teleporting his last 4 savage orcs to the corner of the board. In combat he wins again in the spear unit combat. My eagle holds and my last archer musician runs away. Probably the best thing that could have happened there. Black orcs and white lions chop each other to pieces again but he bounces off.


HE turn 6
I charge the prince and bsb into the spears. My lone archer musician keeps fleeing but stays on the board. I reform my archer unit to point at his goblin archer unit. I final transmutation the archers. Mainly to get them stupid since they are only ld 5. This is to keep them from making me panic or killing something on his turn 6. He stops all other spells. My bsb has itchy nuisance on him and is In 2. So I loose my re-rolls and throw my 3 attacks on his lvl 2. I get 3 1's. ugh. My prince kills a 3 or 4 and so does the eagle. I win combat but he stays. I also declared a challenge with my prince and he declined so I got rid of the bsb attacks for a while.


OG turn 6
He charges the building again with his black orcs. His night goblin archers fail stupidity and can't do anything. The lvl 4 miscasts on a spell and rolls an 8 so I get to try to do a wound with a str 6 hit. I roll a 1... Damn lvl 2 is invincible! My bsb whiffs all his attack on the lvl 2 again... I was really hoping my noble with a GW could kill a ws 3, t 3, and 2 wound, no save model. I was wrong. My prince and eagle kill some more. I finally break him. He rolls an 11 and the eagle and prince get a 9 and 4 respectfully. At least I snag his bsb this way. The black orcs go back into the building. He brings in his general this time hoping to completely clear out the building so he can hop in it for the win. I however throw half my attacks at him and smash him before he swings back. He only has 6 black orcs left after all my swings. It's worth noting I only have 7 lions and the lvl 4 left in the building. He kills the lvl 4 and 3 or 4 white lions. We stick though and the game ends.


We totaled up victory points and it was a draw. I won because of the + 500 points for the building. The reason this game was such a nail biter though was of how many expensive units only had like 5 models left. Black orcs had 6 guys left, savage orcs had 4 left, archers had like 10 left, spears had a lot left but should have been run down by the eagle and prince. My lions only had 3 guys left in the building. One or two dice rolls different and one of us could have had a massacre.

After the game I got to thinking about it and I personally think I deployed very averagely. Not a bad set up but I definitely would have did it differently a second time around. All and all a really great game that made me think the whole time. Hope you enjoy the write up.
