Saturday, June 30, 2012

Gondorian Army WIP

I haven't completed anything new in a while, but I have been working on my Gondor force. I converted 12 Osgilioth Veterans out of normal Minas Tirith troops. I green stuffed various cloacks and bed rolls and packs. I also had some extra Death Corps of Krieg laying around so I used their back packs to further distinguish my vets from my normal rank and files. The armored Faramir didn't have a shield so I switched his arm with an arm from a sword and board guy and pinned them.






I'm working on 5 character models that can be used with any Gondor force. I have 10 different poses of Aragorn. Instead of Painting them all the same, (brown and green) I decided I could make other characters out of them. So from left to right we have: The night watcher, a grey haired older gentleman with a torch to keep the city safe at night. The noblemen, Just a high ranking Gondorian citizen. Damrod, Denethor, and Faramir.



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