Saturday, June 30, 2012

Gondorian Army WIP

I haven't completed anything new in a while, but I have been working on my Gondor force. I converted 12 Osgilioth Veterans out of normal Minas Tirith troops. I green stuffed various cloacks and bed rolls and packs. I also had some extra Death Corps of Krieg laying around so I used their back packs to further distinguish my vets from my normal rank and files. The armored Faramir didn't have a shield so I switched his arm with an arm from a sword and board guy and pinned them.






I'm working on 5 character models that can be used with any Gondor force. I have 10 different poses of Aragorn. Instead of Painting them all the same, (brown and green) I decided I could make other characters out of them. So from left to right we have: The night watcher, a grey haired older gentleman with a torch to keep the city safe at night. The noblemen, Just a high ranking Gondorian citizen. Damrod, Denethor, and Faramir.



Friday, June 29, 2012

Tomb Kings Characters Finished

I haven't had a chance to do much to my Tomb Kings lately. I managed to squeak just enough time into finish the characters I had started. So here is my Tomb King, BSB, Mounted BSB, Litch Priest, and Casket of Souls.





Friday, June 22, 2012

Zombies, Skeletons, and Zombies OH NO!!!

I got a rather large commission last month. It was 88 zombies, 108 skeletons, and around 14 unit fillers. A friend of mine was building a Vampire Counts army and needed them by the Bugeater GT. So another local army painter and I split up the army. I took all the mass infantry and he took all the large models and characters. I decided that I would dip the army. The army was massive and didn't have to be the highest quility but he wanted them looking pretty good. I ended up purchasing Army Painters dip and using it on the entire horde. The turned out great and he was pleased with them. I could go another year or two without seeing a VC model though.






This was my favorite part about the commission. It's a dire wolf stealing the army off of a zombie and the zombie trying to chase him down to get his army back! :)



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Game of Thrones Themed 40k Army

I got a commission from a friend in the northwest part of the state for some free hand work on his rhinos. He was painting up a 40k Space Wolves army after the Winterfells from Game of Thrones. He had already painted the infantry and the vehicles he just wanted some free hand work on the tops to further drive the theme home. I was happy to oblige as I'm a pretty big fan of the shoe as well.






I really enjoyed working on these. I wouldn't mind getting to do more.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bugeater GT 2012

Everyone just got back from the Bugeater GT 2012. What a blast! Friday night all of the north west AR guys and the central AR guys went out to down town Omaha for a night out. I pretty well only remember 3 pitchers and 4 das boots but know much more was consumed.


I ended up winning two paint awards for their 'Golden Gobo' and a best of all in the 40k section. I also one sweepstakes runner up for warhammer fantasy. Which was basically their version of 2nd over all.

The Bugeater GT was a fun event and super well ran. Their parring system was very weird. They paired you up with win loss and didn't take battle points into consideration which day two put people with the same win loss record buy off by 20 battle points playing each other. The terrain seemed a little sparse as well. Those are my only two criticisms though. I would easily recommend anyone go to it as it was a great event overall.

I may have time to do some quick battle reports later in the week.