The list;
Lvl 4, Metal, Life Taker, Sac Dagger 315
Dreadlord, PoK, Peggy, Dragonhelm, Stubborn, SDC, GW, HA 288
Lvl 2, Dark, Tome of Furion, Ruby Ring 175
Death Hag, BSB, COB 225
26x Crossbows, Sh, Muso, Std 301
14x Crossbows, Sh, Muso, Std 169
20x Spearmen, Sh, Fc 155
5x Harpies 55
5x Harpies 55
20x Blackguard, FC, Gleaming Banner, Whip of Agony 335
14x Witch Elves 140
5x Shades, Ahw 85
Bolt Thrower 100
Bolt Thrower 100
His list is a little unconventional for a WoC list.
Demon Prince, Lvl 4 Tz, breath weapon
Lvl 2 Wizard, Disc, 2+, 3++
BSB, 4+, 4++ ???
50x Muraders, muso, std, nurgle
50x Muraders, muso, std, nurgle
70x Muraders, FC, tz
5x Hounds
5x Hounds
Warshrine tz
Warshrine tz
Note almost no armor for my Metal magic. :p
I roll up chillwind, bladewind, soul stealer, (fireball ring) for my lvl 2
and Enchanted blades, glittering robe, transmutation to lead, and final transmutation on my lvl4
He gets all 6 Tzentch spells between his two wizards.
Deployment ends like this;

I throw my harpies on the flank and he does similar with his dogs. I start putting my shooters and mass points in the clearest ally for fire. He drops his 3 blocks to come get me and it ends like this. I think his choice to put his general DP on the flank behind the building is risky but I can see hes just trying to keep him alive a turn from all my shooting. I use the scout ability with my shades to try and early panic a dog unit out of my way. He gets the +1 to go first but I roll higher and get to choose. I deployed most of my shooters 6" back anticipating him getting 1st turn. I do a couple of measurements and go ahead and take the first turn even though only my two bolt throwers and final transmutation can really do anything. I figure hey if I can take something down great.
DE turn 1

My turn one I fly the harpies up to let the dogs engage and slow his murader block on the left. Harpies>Dogs! I get a strong magic phase something like 10/5. I cast final transmutation on the tz block and he uses all 5 to block. I cast the large version of glittering robe to maybe stop his hellcannnon. I also cast enchanted blades on one of the bolt throwers. shrug. In the shooting phase I shot both bolt throwers at his 2+/3++ wizard one hitting on a 3 and one on a 4. Both hit. Both wound. I only need him to fail one of those damn 3++ saves which he kindly does and I do 3 wounds killing his lvl 2 on a disc! I was happy with the wizard but in a freak accident his nurgle murader unit on the right panics off the board... So this is starting out a crazy game and we almost stopped it but we continued and I'm glad we did because he got a lucky break later on.
WoC turn 1

Justin charges both dogs in to both harpy units and flies his DP up a flank. Magic does some stuff but nothing too terrible. Shrines buff but nothing amazing. His DP flames my WE and between that and the magic killed 10, so I'm down to 4. I tie the hound combat on the right and win the one on the left forcing him to flee and I hit his muraders. (I probably should have just tried to hold but ehh.) His hellcannon eats all three crewman.
DE turn 2

I jostle all my units around to fit his movements. I 4 dice Final transmutation and he uses all his dice to stop it. I power of darkness both girls up and start ripping all the low cost spells. I get 5 through inflicting various wounds. I shoot the bolt throwers at the DP and cast a lot of MM's but only manage to get two wounds through. He got a 2++ against MM's. I didn't know DP's had MR. Shrug. Large glittering robe also went off, knowing hes about to charge in.
WoC turn 2

He charges his DP into the flank of my 28 man bowmen unit. He makes a general advance with his army but doesn't advance too far with the tzentch block because I have my 14 wide BG in his way. He could have chewed his way through them but would have lost a lot before he took them out. He rolls up 6 dice and casts Infernal Gateway. I fail to dispel he then rolls an 11 for the Str. By guys! *tears up* I finish off his left dogs freeing up my harpies. The DP kills some bowmen but fail to break me and I reform to face him 5 wide with 25 guys left.
DE turn 3

I send my DL to stop his nurgle guys from doing too much. I just kind of scoot my guys around to better positions. I roll snake eyes on magic. No one channels. I try to make the best of it and power of darkness on one dice with each girl. He stops the metal one and lets the dark one go through. I then get two dice with her and one dice the ring and get a 1 and 1 dice chillwind and get a 1. LOL Most epic fail magic phase ever. :) I randomly pick off some more random wounds from the murader units with light shooting. He kills 5 guys total with his DP. I had the 5+ ward save on them. I then do a wound. I have 3 ranks a banner and its a draw. I win by a musician and he runs and gets cut down by wicked bowmen! :p
WoC turn 3

He hides his 2 rallied dogs behind the building to save 30 points. His cannon tries to charge. (ld 4 to restrain now) Otherwise just a general advance. I think he made a mistake this turn. He should have engaged the dreadlord, instead he just stayed in front of me not wanting to get locked in. When your not moving, your opponent is controlling the flow of the game.
DE Turn 4

I reposition everything. I get a good magic phase and kill 33 nurgle muraders force them to flee and kill 3 or 4 tz guys. I haven't been keeping up with the warshrines but at this point the tzentch unit is 3++ stubborn and T4... so not much is getting through to them. That's why I throw the DL in front of them now. They could start walking through my army otherwise.
WoC Turn 4

His BSB charges out to get my wizard. The math is in my favor, so I retreat and I roll a 3 to his 11 and he catches me. But now he's out in the open with his pants down. So basically knight for knight. I'm okay with this as now his leadership will be more of an issue. His warshrine charges my shades but he needs an 11 so I stand and shoot, do no wounds, but he doesn't make it. His hellcannon is forced to charge again. He rallies his Nurgle block.
DE Turn 5

I move a lot of things to take out that BSB. I do and also shoot up the Nurlge block and kill something like 10 more. That's about it.
WoC Turn 5

His warshrine charges the WE's and the large block, something like 50 now, charges the DL. The warshrine manages to whiff most of his attacks but kills one girl and I do lots of wounds to him but a 4+ 3++ is a tough nut to crack. The girls hold and I'm happy with that. The dreadlord kills his champ in a challenge barley getting past the damn 3++ save. In fact it was the peggy stomp that killed him. I fail my stubborn 10 and run. He isn't able to catch me though. Thank goodness.
DE Turn 6

My 20x bowmen charge the flank of his warshrine. Everything else gets out of the front arc of his tzentch block. The DL rallies and sits there. In the magic phase, I get enchanted blades on my h2h bowmen and get trans to led on his warshrine. I shoot his nurgle muraders to pieces but can't kill them. They end the game with 3 guys left... :( I break the warshrine making it roll a 5 for his leadership. He kills 2 more WE's leaving one lone girl. I pursue with both units cutting it down.
WoC turn 6

He charges everywhere. I flee everywhere. Only holding with the DL. He lives and holds. Game ends.
Magic was perfect with my 10 spells and couple of nasty ones I draw out Justins DD and spam medium low cost spells. Bolt throwers did better than they probably should have... I'm not complaining but I know most of you will say it was a fluke and it was. But it's a fluke that can only happen when you include them ;) hahaha. I got 1649 points off of him and he got 620 off of me. Only 2 harpy units, Black Guard and my lvl 2 lost their lives. Over all happy with the lists performance and intend to get more games in soon.
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