Josh (same as last time list is off memory)
Slaan (shadow) various upgrades
Slaan (life) BSB various upgrades
Scar Vet
Skink Priest lvl 1
Skink Priest lvl 1
20 Sarus Warriors
20 Temple Guard
20 Temple Guard
40 skinks with 3 kroxigors
30 skink skirmishers
30 skink skirmishers
2 salamanders
2 salamanders
5 chameleon skinks
5 chameleon skinks
Also again I may get a bit fuzzy on the turns but everything that killed everything and how is in here.
Deployment; Again I dropped my cannons and Thorek and made him deploy everything. After he got done I noticed the Slaan in the far corner by himself and that was just the tastiest thing I have ever seen. So I threw my longbeard rangers out to take him out quickly.

Turn 1a
I got greedy and did the ancient power and it went off. I hit both salamander units with the half movement 2d6 str 4 hits and a chameleon skink unit. Killed some guys and halved their movement. I marched up my LBR’s and took some pop shots with cannons at salamanders and the slaan hoping for a fail Look Out Sir. Pretty nice first turn all and all.

Turn 1b
He pretty much advances everything up takes some poison shots at Thorek and charges the 20 man saurus warrior unit into my LBR’s…. I quickly turned them into paste and ran them down and his turn was over.

Turn 2a
I charged with my LBR’s into the shadow slaan temple guard unit and a unit of minors came in off the board and I used the anvil to flank attack the same unit. Cannon pop shots at salamanders and again at the slaan hoping for a bad Look Out Sir which I got and then he rolled his 4+ ward! Damn Frog! I wiped out about 80% of the slaan unit but thanks to stubborn he stayed.

Turn 2b
He mostly moves his army up to advance his life frog miscasts and fails his 2+ and looses a level and Throne of Vines. I’m not going to go into much of his magic phase as I shut most of it down. More pop shots at Thorek but that 1+ save is keeping him up and going. I kill the slaan unit to the man and reform to face the rest of his line.

Turn 3a
My second unit of Miners come on the board edge and see a tasty slaan flank and go for it and with help from my buddy Thorek they get in. I kill off a salamander with cannon fire. We fight the life slaan combat and he stays on stubborn but can reform on double ones.

Turn 3b
His chameleon skinks charge Thorek. Otherwise just a general advance on his part. Chameleon skinks loose combat and hold. The temple guard munch on some miners and the miners munch back I win but he holds.

Turn 4a
I advance my LBR’s and 1st Miner unit to go help out the other miners. I pick off the last salamander. Thorek can’t kill the last skink and so they stay. The critical combat still going with both sides loosing about the same amount but both are holding. (I put hit markers on my cannons. Those happen next turn. Oops!)

Turn 4b
More advancing… He gets a couple of wounds through shooting at my warmachines. And again whittling each other down in slaan and miner combat but holding.

Turn 5a
Longbeard Rangers get their charge into the front of the life slaan. I don’t even bother shooting anything. Slaan and his temple guard are slaughtered to the man. I then reform.

Turn 5b
He charges and gets two of my cannons.

The army did exactly what it was suppose to do here to the letter! Charge into a weak deployment spot and have the miners come on and get weak flanks or rear charges and set up only combats I want to happen. Pick off things I don’t like with cannons. If the cannons die I don’t care as long as they do their job for 2 turns. Thorek played like a champ.
There was a +5 bonus point for holding a fanatic that I missed because first turn it ran 18 inches from the opposite board edge I was on so I didn’t even have a chance to get him. I got all other points involved.
Now I kept this report very civil and only about the game itself. Now the report is over time for a little venting. Would you like to know some interesting things that Lizardmen can do?
Temple guard with slaan are unbreakable. (aka Stubborn)
Temple guard with slaan have a 5+ ward save always. (well no…)
Salamanders don’t take wounds just the skinks handling them. (Why?!)
Skinks skirmish like 7th ed and don’t have to be in formation. (Correct… a year ago)
Would you like to hear some basic rule book rules that I was breaking?
Making him maximize models when he charged. (its in the charging section of the brb)
Maximizing models when I charged. (see above)
Not letting him send 6 men into my warmachines with ever unit involved. (6 is not 12)
Dispelling with out a wizard. (rune smith and rune lords generate dispel dice too bad they can’t use them)
Dispelling without line of sight. (WTF?!?)
Dispelling remains in play spells in my magic phase. (dwarfs can’t magic)
Generating power dice. (Refer to ‘Generating power dice’ in the brb)
Not letting him pull my guys out of combat when he strategically killed people. (Only in very specific situations can you do this. None of which we were in.)
This was the worst game of fantasy I’ve ever had to play… 40k too for that matter. He didn’t have a basic grasp of the rules and would call ‘bullshit’ on me anytime I did literally anything… It was very frustrating. By the end of the game we had two people baby sitting the game looking up rules constantly to prove that I was not making things up. He had the audacity to take pictures of everything with his cell phone and told me he was going to send them to GW to get me disqualified if I had won. For the battle report I included his life slaan as the bsb and when we looked at it and it was the shadow one with the bsb. In round 3 he played someone that noticed he had over 800 points of lord choices. I eventually had to look up everything (EVERYTHING!) he said in the rule book and a lizardman army book and only about 1/3 of it was true or even reasonable. He also did not bring a lizardman army book and we had to get the shop owner to let us borrow one so he could prove his abilities and every item he had and what it did. It was the worst gaming experience I’ve ever had. As a side note we chatted later at the end of the day. He seems pretty cool away from the table. Shrug.
After standing outside for about 20 minutes I was off to round 3.
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