Can’t remember his name…
Vampire lord, kitted out for hand to hand each wound can bring back a guy.
Vampire lord, lore master beast, dish out WS
Vampire hero, on a horse
Bsb with regen banner
15 to 20 Skellies for lore master bunker
30 Skellies
36ish Ghouls
29 Grave Guaurd
9 Blood Knights
Mission was a modified blood and glory. I had a fortitude of 6 and he had 7. The deployment also helped me as he couldn’t deploy 9inches in on the flank. After I saw his deployment I threw my nasty on his ghoul flank trying to minimize the Blood knight monster unit.

Turn 1a
I march up the Longbeard rangers to get in his face and hit his blood knights for d6 str 4 hits just to half their movement. I can’t remember but I think I actually killed one! I shot my cannon at the small unit trying to snipe the caster vamp inside and failed.

Turn 1b
His blood knights fail a re-roll 10 leadership for stupidity and lurch forward! I felt for him at that point. Everyone else positioned to face the new threat. He casted randomly do 1 wound to everything and make a spirit host. He ended up with 1 host. And used it to protect the flank of his grave guard but with only 1 base it wasn’t quite enough.

Turn 2a
I get both miners on the board and position to get a flank on the ghouls and the others to get a flank on the grave guard. I roll for ancestral power and it goes off. I roll my D3 and am excited to see a 3! I charge into both flanks and the Rangers in the front. I shoot some more cannons at the Blood Knights and maybe kill 1 or two. I blow up one of my own cannons. I kill just enough through res and kills to kill the ghouls to the man. I over ran the Rangers into the caster Vampire and his bunker and reform the Miners. The Miners fighting the Grave Guard kill some and tie them up. Getting all reserves in turn 2 and getting 3 units to charge and killing the ghouls to the man make for the best turn ever!

Turn 2b
His skellies charge my miners just to tie them up. And it works for about 3 or 4 turns. He reforms the Spirit Host and starts marching his Blood Knights. I kill his bunker unit and over run hopeing to make it to the 6 inch away graveguard and then utterly smash that unit. They only roll 3 inches and fail though. Everyone else fights with the dwarfs winning and undead taking a couple of casualties. His Grave Guard reform to face the Miners. (or maybe they did this last turn?)

Turn 3a
SPLAT!!! Cannon to the Vampire Generals face. I charge the grave guards flank. Other wise everyone chews down some guys and stick.

Turn 3b
Blood Knights charge in with 3 guys and the mounted hero vamp. Spirit host charges in. The game officially becomes a war of attrition. I think it’s in my favor though with instability kicking in and my high strength attacks and superior numbers.

Turn 4a
More war of attrition.

Turn 4b
From here on I forget the turns but I slowly eat away at everything and table his remaining blood knights.

(Forgotten name) was a pretty cool guy. He had a solid army but in the end I had a couple of amazing rolls that decided the fate of the game. I think I played really well and those couple of good dice rolls made the game from a hard fight to a solid victory. We only had one rules dispute but in my mind it was a pretty big one. He had only a character bsb left and was trying the revive the grave guard unit. Every other tourney player there agreed with me but apparently the TO ruled in his favor game 1. I was eventually able to prove my case though through rules and other players. All in all a fun game.
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